The correct use of electronic device should pay attention to what problem?
One is each person's blood pressure in one day is greatly changed. Strictly speaking, people every moment of blood pressure is different, it is with the person's mental health, time, seasons, the changes in temperature and measurement of the parts (arm or wrist), postures (sit or lie) different and change. Therefore, each measure blood pressure numerical different is a normal phenomenon. If, for stress and anxiety, the causes of the people at the hospital of the systolic blood pressure measurement (namely high pressure) will generally than at home high 25 millimeters of mercury ~ 30 millimeters of mercury (.. 4000 mpa ~ 4000 palmer), some even can differ 50 millimeters of mercury (6670 palmer).
2 it is measuring method is not correct. When measuring the should notice the following three points: first is the cuffs to the height of the heart in the same position with height, and cuffs of the hose should be put in humerus pulses point, the bottom of the cuffs elbow shall be higher than 1 ~ 2 cm; At the same time cuffs roll pierced with reasonable can insert a just enough to advisable. Second is the measure before the state must be quiet about 10 minutes. The last two times but also what the measured time intervals not less than three minutes, and parts, postures should agree. Do these three points, it should be said, measurement of blood pressure is really out of huai and objective.
Alternate method for measuring the:
First by doctors use mercury sphygmomanometer measure blood pressure, rest 3 minutes, with an electronic device measuring for the second time, then rest 3 minutes, finally by the doctors then use mercury sphygmomanometer third time measurement. Take the first and the third average as the measured value of the doctor, and electronic device than measured value, the difference value is generally should be less than 10 baekho meters of mercury (1330 palmer). Meet the conditions of electronic device, you can safely use.

Hypertension risk factors what
1. High salt diet salt is associated with hypertension main evidence, from the comparative research between groups. Limit hypertensive patients decreasing sodium (salt and sodium food), blood pressure drops, taking diuretic, platoon sodium and water, blood pressure decline. In some sodium intake is very low crowd, don't know high blood pressure cases, like Japan and per capita sodium intake is about American 2 ~ 4 times, almost a third of people with high blood pressure. According to our survey taken YanLiang heilongjiang residents average 17 to 17 g/d, much higher than the physiological requirements and the national average level, the incidence of hypertension incidence above the national average.
2. Exciting exciting inside and outside is exciting factor of the subjective cause has obvious sense of urgency, the corresponding nervous behavior and accompanied by physiological, psychological change and so on a series of activities process. Exciting significantly brainstem mesh uplink shock live system excitability function, cause a series of blood catecholamine kind of hormone rise, increased blood pressure, heart rate, head and muscle blood supply increase, the internal organs to reduce blood supply, this period if too strong and lasting or hair, can cause cardiovascular system function and organic damage.

If you have high blood pressure
A, headache and head heavy
High blood pressure disease caused by a headache appeared in the back of most of the parts, and with nausea, vomiting feeling; If often feel headache and very severe and nausea sick again at the same time, this is to malign hypertension transformation of the special symptoms.

Second, dizzy
High blood pressure disease caused by dizzy symptoms, female patients experienced more, male patients also have the symptoms. For high blood pressure appear dizzy, feel the body is out of balance, trapped difficult and walk very dizzy, may be NaoChongXie or warning signs of stroke.

Three, tinnitus
High blood pressure disease caused by tinnitus is double ringing in the ear, continues for a long time, tinnitus serious.

Four, the waist sour shoulder pain
High blood pressure patients will have regular waist sour shoulder pain symptoms.

Five, heart palpitations asthma
The heart of the disease causes of high blood pressure, heart expansion hypertrophy, myocardial infarction, heart is dysfunctional, narrow anxiety can heart function is not normal, appear palpitations asthma symptoms.

Six, hands and feet attack
High blood pressure disease caused by attack not only appeared in the hands and feet parts, most sports department will appear palsy symptoms, also can appear consciousness paralysis, and is not temporary, the symptoms will not disappear until half-paralyzed so far.

Seven, small atherosclerosis
High blood pressure caused kidney, pancreas and brain of the spleen, small arteries of fibrous tissue necrosis membrane, lose flexibility and the hardening, there will be excessive blood and embolism symptoms occur.

Eight, coronary atherosclerosis
Myocardial by coronary artery blood, hardening, and myocardial ischemia; Coronary sclerosis serious when can jam, myocardial ischemia and happen because of tissue, this is the myocardial infarction.

Sports prevent diabetes
Diabetes education plan called for, 60 years old, have type 2 diabetes risk or already in pre-diabetes shall be appropriately increased adult physical activity to prevent the development of diabetes.
If you are not a keen on motion, 5 days a week from 10 minutes of physical activity began, and gradually increase until 30 minutes. To walk around, even if it's just a few minutes every day, is also sports a good start against diabetes. What sports can you be?
1. A warm-up: this is the official movement of before gonna activities, such as shrugged his shoulders, tapped on the toes and thrown off his arm, and marked time, etc.
2. Dance: dancing can increase strength, vitality and sports. You can and friends to participate in the dance training class, also can need not the coach, with the radio music in their home to dance.
3. Walk: this is the best way to start exercising. Of course you have made for walking shoes, and in the right place such as the store or community center enjoy your walk movement.
4. Stretching: you need not special time and place stretching, in the home or the unit, just got up and stretch your legs and arms, not cause muscle can.
How to start the movement and fully enjoy the fun of sports?
1. Throw open the remote control, and switch the TV channel. In advertising intermittent and activities.
2. In the house can walk while you talk on the phone.
3. Parked the car away from the market, the cinema or the office place.
4. When riding on the bus can get off early.
5. Can go to the museum, the zoo or aquarium and so on can with the family sports place.